Friday, March 18, 2011


Hello Social Work Students! 

We hope to see you at our next SOWSA meeting on Thursday March 24th at 7PM in SO285. If you can make this meeting, please RSVP by email to

In addition, we still need volunteers to support the Aging Academy Inception Event on Tuesday March 22nd at 4PM. Please note that the location of this event has been changed to the LIVE OAK PAVILLION.  We also need volunteers to assist with the Career Fair on Thursday March 31st from 10 to 3PM for any amount of time that you may be available. If you are able to volunteer for either of these events, please send an email to

Please see the announcements below regarding upcoming events for the remainder of Social Work Month.

Thank you!

Phoenix Adams
SOWSA President  


In honor of Social Work Month, the VA Broward OPC presents:

"There for the Action - Missing from History"    
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder & the Combat Veteran  
March 21, 2011 8:00am to 3:30pm
6 CEUs for Social Workers and Nurses

9800 West Commercial Blvd, Sunrise, FL 954-475-5500

No Charge - Registration Required - Seats are Limited

Please call to confirm Attendance:
Direct: 954-625-8734 Ask for Emily
or email:


Tuesday, March 22, 2011 at 4PM 

The FAU School of Social Work is launching an Aging Academy to expand geriatric competency-driven education, field instruction, training and research in an effort to produce skilled geriatric leaders and practitioners to meet growing aging and caregiver population needs. The Aging Academy, to be directed by Stephen Ferrante, M.S.W., will recruit, coach and stipend students, designated as Geriatric Scholars, to specialize in aging. 

The official Inception Event for the Aging Academy will be held on Tuesday, March 22, 2011 at 4PM in the LIVE OAK PAVILION. This ceremony will offer faculty, students, and community stakeholders the chance to learn about Aging Academy goals, activities and giving opportunities. Ms. Corinne H. Rieder, John A. Hartford Foundation Executive Director, will provide a keynote presentation regarding the emerging requirement for geriatric social work competence and initiatives.

To register for the event, please
click here.

Please contact Stephen Ferrante by email at if you have any questions.

Educational Presentation on Homelessness for Students –

Wednesday March 23rd 7:10 PM SO111

Legislative Advocacy class with Dr. LeaAnne DeRinge
The Homelessness Coalition of Palm Beach County will be presenting a public education program called the “Faces of Homelessness” Story Tellers in our Legislative Advocacy Class on Wednesday March 23rd at 7:10 PM.

The Homeless Coalition of Palm Beach County firmly believes that they cannot truly end homelessness or advocate for change without the direct and continued involvement of those who have experienced homelessness.  The mission of the “Faces of Homelessness” Story Tellers is to provide a forum for homeless and formerly homeless individuals to share their personal stories with others; break down the myths/stereotypes about the homeless; foster a greater awareness of the reality of homelessness; and to spark the interest of audiences in becoming involved in the struggle to end homelessness on local, state, and national levels. They believe that educating the community on this personal level will help produce positive feedback from the audience by allowing them to hear the stories of how people became homeless, the impact it had on their lives, and how they were able to break out of homelessness. 

This presentation is great for any and all Social Work students to get first-hand knowledge of homelessness and experiences related to homelessness since it is becoming such an epidemic nationally and locally, especially in the world of Social Work. 

If you are interested in attending this presentation, please contact Tanisha Julias by email at Limited space is available, and requests will be confirmed on a first come - first serve basis.

SOWSA Next Meeting Thursday, March 24th, 2011 at 7:00 pm SO285   
Please join us for SOWSA's next meeting on Thursday March 24th, 2011 at 7PM in SO285. We will be reviewing officer nominations for next year's SOWSA leadership team, and planning our final events for the semester. We hope to see you there!

SOCIAL WORK CAREER FAIR - Thursday March 31st 2010 from 10am to 3PM Social Science Building Rotunda  

This year FAU's School of Social Work Student Association (SOWSA) will be holding its Career Fair on Thursday, March 31st from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on its Boca Raton campus at the Social Science Building Rotunda.

Over 25 social service agencies and organizations will be present to create awareness of their organizations, to promote job openings and internship opportunities, and to network with graduating MSW students and students
who will be seeking field placements in the near future. 

Don't miss this excellent opportunity to meet executives from leading social service agencies in South Florida.

If you have questions about the Career Fair, Please send an email to Ethel Alvarado at

We look forward to seeing you on March 31st

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Hello Social Work Students and Faculty!

In recognition of Social Work Month, SOWSA would like to inform you about several important events that will occur in the month of March. 

Please see the announcements below with details concerning volunteer opportunities for Family Promise, The School of Social Work Aging Academy Inception Event, an educational presentation on homelessness, SOWSA's next monthly meeting, and the Social Work Career Fair.  The announcements are listed in order of event date.

This is your month to celebrate social work and to create awareness about our profession. We hope that you can participate in these exciting events!

Have a great month, and enjoy your spring break! 

Phoenix Adams
SOWSA President  


SOWSA is continuing its work with Family Promise during the Spring semester and will be asking for members to volunteer for some upcoming events. Volunteers are currently being sought for the following events during the month of March:

Sunday, March 6th: Two (2) individuals to stay with the families at the day center from 9:30 am-1:00 pm

Sunday, March 20th: Two (2) individuals to stay with the families at the day center from 9:30 am-1:00 pm

Sunday March 13th: Two (2) individuals to stay with the families at the day center from 1:00 pm-5:00 pm

Sunday, March 27th: Two (2) individuals to stay with the families at the day center from 1:00 pm-5:00 pm

Please contact Tanisha Julias by email if you are able to volunteer or if you have additional questions.

Remember, the student that accumulates the most volunteer hours for Family Promise will win a $50.00 gift card at the end of the semester!


Tuesday, March 22, 2011 at 4PM 

The FAU School of Social Work is launching an Aging Academy to expand geriatric competency-driven education, field instruction, training and research in an effort to produce skilled geriatric leaders and practitioners to meet growing aging and caregiver population needs. The Aging Academy, to be directed by Stephen Ferrante, M.S.W., will recruit, coach and stipend students, designated as Geriatric Scholars, to specialize in aging. 

The official Inception Event for the Aging Academy will be held on Tuesday, March 22, 2011 at 4PM in the FAU Alumni Center. This ceremony will offer faculty, students, and community stakeholders the chance to learn about Aging Academy goals, activities and giving opportunities. Ms. Corinne H. Rieder, John A. Hartford Foundation Executive Director, will provide a keynote presentation regarding the emerging requirement for geriatric social work competence and initiatives.

To register for the event, please
click here.

Please contact Stephen Ferrante by email at if you have any questions.

Educational Presentation on Homelessness for Students –

Wednesday March 23rd 7:10 PM SO111

Legislative Advocacy class with Dr. LeaAnne DeRinge
The Homelessness Coalition of Palm Beach County will be presenting a public education program called the “Faces of Homelessness” Story Tellers in our Legislative Advocacy Class on Wednesday March 23rd at 7:10 PM.

The Homeless Coalition of Palm Beach County firmly believes that they cannot truly end homelessness or advocate for change without the direct and continued involvement of those who have experienced homelessness.  The mission of the “Faces of Homelessness” Story Tellers is to provide a forum for homeless and formerly homeless individuals to share their personal stories with others; break down the myths/stereotypes about the homeless; foster a greater awareness of the reality of homelessness; and to spark the interest of audiences in becoming involved in the struggle to end homelessness on local, state, and national levels. They believe that educating the community on this personal level will help produce positive feedback from the audience by allowing them to hear the stories of how people became homeless, the impact it had on their lives, and how they were able to break out of homelessness. 

This presentation is great for any and all Social Work students to get first-hand knowledge of homelessness and experiences related to homelessness since it is becoming such an epidemic nationally and locally, especially in the world of Social Work. 

If you are interested in attending this presentation, please contact Tanisha Julias by email at Limited space is available, and requests will be confirmed on a first come - first serve basis.

SOWSA Next Meeting Thursday, March 24th, 2011 at 7:00 pm SO285   
Please join us for SOWSA's next meeting on Thursday March 24th, 2011 at 7PM in SO285. We will be reviewing officer nominations for next year's SOWSA leadership team, and planning our final events for the semester. We hope to see you there!

SOCIAL WORK CAREER FAIR - Thursday March 31st 2010 from 10am to 3PM Social Science Building Rotunda  

This year FAU's School of Social Work Student Association (SOWSA) will be holding its Career Fair on Thursday, March 31st from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on its Boca Raton campus at the Social Science Building Rotunda.

Over 25 social service agencies and organizations will be present to create awareness of their organizations, to promote job openings and internship opportunities, and to network with graduating MSW students and students
who will be seeking field placements in the near future. 

Don't miss this excellent opportunity to meet executives from leading social service agencies in South Florida.

If you have questions about the Career Fair, Please send an email to Ethel Alvarado at

We look forward to seeing you on March 31st