Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Hello SOWSA members,  

SOWSA would like to invite you to our next meeting, which is scheduled for
Thursday February 17th 2011 at 7PM in SO285.  

We will be discussing the planning of our Career Fair and events surrounding Social Work Awareness month and our end of the year celebration.

We will also be discussing officer nominations for next year's SOWSA leadership team.
Please bring your ideas - we look forward to your participation at the meeting.

We will also provide information regarding the upcoming summer elective class: International Social Work in London for any student that is interested in taking the class and was not able to make it to the information sessions.

Please RSVP to if you are able to attend the meeting.

We hope to see you at the meeting. Please see below for additional SOWSA announcements.


Phoenix Adams
SOWSA President

Attention all Social Work Students: 

In recognition of Black History month, SOWSA has invited Linda Graham,  President of The Association of Black Social Workers- Palm Beach County chapter, to do a presentation to all interested students and faculty.
Mrs. Graham will be presenting information about the organization and ways, anyone who is interested, can become involved with the work the organization does in the community!

The event will take place on Thursday, February 17th at 6:00 pm in RM SO 112

We have space available for 15 additional social work students in the classroom. If you are interested in attending this presentation or you would like more information, please send a request by email to Tanisha Julias at tjulias@fau.eduRequests will be confirmed on a first come first serve basis.   

To All Graduating MSW's!

If you have not already done so, please take a moment to complete a brief survey on the following link so that we can capture your preferences regarding an end of the year graduation/induction celebration: 

We will be reviewing the survey results at our next SOWSA meeting on February 17th at 7PM in SO285 so that we can begin the planning of the event.

If you have any additional ideas or you would like to be part of the planning committee, please come to the meeting or send your ideas to us by email

Attention all Social Work Students, Faculty, and Staff -

Stand Among Friends has organized a community wide event that came about as an opportunity for all of us in the community to come together to learn about each other and to emb(race) our differences as individuals.  The day will focus on everyone's abilities and celebrate the uniqueness of us all. 

We have registered as "Team FAU School of Social Work/SOWSA" for the 1K family walk, which will be held on Sunday, February 27, 2011 at 8:30 AM and will take place on a course located a the Disability Center at Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton.  

We will hold our SOWSA Kickball game for Faculty/Staff/Students/ and Alumni immediately after at
10:30 AM at a location to be determined and announced prior to the game (either Sugar Sand Park or FAU Field). 

If you would like to join the walk, please click on this link to join our team:

from this page, you may click on "Join Our Team" on the right of the page and then follow the instructions to register. There is a $15 registration fee. You may also forward the link to anyone that may want to sponsor our team. 

For additional information on the event, you may click on the button at the top of the page "MAIN PAGE." 
I have also pasted information below. 

If you would like to participate in the kickball game, please RSVP to Jessica Ponn at

We hope that you can participate in the walk and the kickball game, and we look forward to seeing you there!



Stand Among Friends

First Annual emb(race)

Many of you may be asking what the emb(race) is all about.  The emb(race) is a community wide event that came about as an opportunity for all of us in the community to come together to learn about each other and to emb(race) our differences as individuals.  The day will focus on everyone's abilities and celebrate the uniqueness of us all. 

At this website, whether you want to run, walk, stroll or roll, you can register to participate in the emb(race), or you can support someone already participating.  You can also create or join a team.  For those of you who want to help us get the word out and make the emb(race) an amazing experience, you will be able to send emails to your friends and family asking them to help you raise money to support the emb(race).

The emb(race) will be held on Sunday, February 27, 2011.  All of our races will take place on a course located at our Disability Center at Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton, Florida.  For all you serious runners, the 10k and 5k are on courses certified by local running icon Gene Witkowski and the scoring will be handled by Accuchip Timing.
Please join us as we celebrate the human spirit and emb(race) each other’s differences!

The 10K course is open to any runner, jogger, racewalker, walker, or wheeled participant who can complete the 10K course in 2 1/2 hours or less.

REGISTRATION check-in 6AM, START TIME for 10K is 7:15am, START TIME FOR 5K is 7:20am, AND THE START TIME FOR 1 mile is 8:30am.

RUN 10K and 5K
Top 3 Male/Female Overall, Top 3 Male/Female Masters
3 Deep 5 year age groups, 9 under, 10–14, 15–19, to 70+
RACEWALK 10K and 5K (Judged)
Top 3 Male/Female Overall
Visually Impaired, Mobility Impaired Non-Wheelchair,
Wheelchairs, and Handcycles
Top 3 Male/Female Overall for each category
Awarding Both 10K and 5K
Male/Female Team – Top 3 best times
Co-Ed Team – Top 2 Female and Top 2 Male best time

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